Amazon Wish List (Home Edition)
will be all about my Amazon list that we need for our new home. The closing of the Condo is next week! Fingers crossed everything goes according to plan.
Our condo is small in comparison to homes that also have two bedrooms. I am all about maximizing our space and not having too much clutter.
Some of the stuff will be wants and some will be needs. I will prioritize the needs first then little by little we will get the wants.
With that being said I am really loving this Mirror that I would love to hang behind my bedroom door. I would hang it there because then I could use it to get ready in the morning. It would be perfect to hang behind my bedroom door and it won’t take up any other room in our room if that makes sense.
I love using Silicone Kitchen Cooking Utensils, I have a few baking pans that are Silicone so I really want to get this set because it comes with everything. Basically a starter set and we do not have many Kitchen supplies. I love this color but it does come in several different colors. For some reason I am loving this type of blue for kitchen stuff.
We have one cooking pan so I really want to get this set because it is the whole package and we would use it all. Me and Ryan love to cook together at home and allows us to spend time together and talking about life or our day. I am loving the white but it does come in several different colors also.
I saw these on a blog one time and thought it was a brilliant idea. Our condo has only one bathroom but I would like to ideally buy two eventually. One will do for now because they are kind of pricey.
As we try to stay away from one use napkins we want to get these. I love these Cloth Napkins. So cute! The price point is really good also.
I shed hair like crazy and it always clogs up our tub. I know TMI and gross but this would be perfect for my situation.
My mom loved pitchers and I also love pitchers. Some homemade iced tea or fresh lemonade! It would be cute also if we had people over to serve them with the pitcher.
I love this ceramic bowl. So Cute and perfect for the dining room table with fruit in it as a display.
One thing about me is I can’t stand it when things are not organized so this would really help us.
I love this because it expands or reverts back to small also.
I love making pancakes for Sunday Mornings or any random morning and also can heat tortillas on it also. I am Mexican what can I say? This also comes in several different colors but I really think this color is really cute.
That wraps up my Amazon Wish List for our new Condo!
What would you add to this list? Also any recommendations or suggestions greatly appreciated.
If you want to read about my Top Ten Swimsuits and my Top Ten Cover-ups then go here and here for that!
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