Book Review- Maybe in Another Life- Taylor Jenkins Reid
Today I am reviewing, ” Maybe in Another Life”- Taylor Jenkins Reid
This book was brilliant but heartbreaking. It made me reflect about my own relationship with Ryan. This book is about the choices we make in our lives all lead to our ever after and in both scenarios YOU can be happy. The story (each chapter) toggles back and forth between two different scenarios that Hannah (Main protagonist) goes through in life. It is about what would happen if you go this route or if choose a different route. Hannah has been moving between city to city after graduating from college. She does not know what she wants to do with her life or even which city to settle in. Her best friend lives in L.A. where Hannah was also raised, her best friend invites her to come live with her and her new husband. Even her best friends life ends up different. The weird thing about this book is in both scenarios the same thing happens to her best friend so basically the author is implying our lives can end up the same no matter the route we end up choosing. The main character Hannah though both scenarios are different and that is why the book is so amazing because both routes make sense. The end of the book wraps it up nicely and i loved it but also it was a bittersweet tug at the heart.
It made me reflect on my relationship with Ryan. I was thinking that if I did something slightly different that maybe I would have never met Ryan. It feels like one thing needed to happen so the rest can unfold like the butterfly effect. I don’t know but reflecting on my own relationship after reading this book made me think the what if’s. If I would have never met Ryan then how else would my life end up. Would I still be happy with someone else probably because honestly how can you miss someone or a relationship when you never had it anyways. I am so happy and glad I never have to find out but that is what makes life so amazing. You just never know how your life will unfold but also it is up to you to be happy under your individual circumstances. This book has many different meanings and it all depends how you view it and your own life. Is our life pre-determined or is it fate? I guess we will never know because it is impossible to do the same experiment that the book was so brilliantly and flawlessly able to do. Seriously this book had a huge impact in my life and how I view fate and “meant to be”. Yes it is chick-lit and yes you can still feel a huge impact on a book such as this. Like I said the author did such a great job on pulling it all together at the end and throughout the book.
A five stars out of five!
I am reading two books at the same time right now. The next book I will give a review on is the “The It Girl” by Ruth Ware & “The Last Love Note” by Emma Grey. Both great books for different reasons. I have read one other book by Ruth Ware years ago and I enjoyed her style of writing in the past. Hoping I can make this a regular thing reviewing books because I love reading. Leave any comments if you have read this book or any other book suggestions you might have send them my way!