Friday Favorites {6.23.2023}
Happy Friday!
I am so happy that today is Friday and I am ready for the weekend! We are not doing anything but organize our home. We got most stuff unpacked! I will do a home update next week!
Today though I will be linking-up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites!
Last Sunday we went to the movies and saw two movies. We live right next door to the theater which is awesome but can be dangerous because now we can go anytime. LOL! We saw the new Spider-Man movie and the new Guardians of the Galaxy part two. OMG The spider man movie was amazing and very relatable as the main character is Latino and his parents are so relatable. I loved that but it was very well made also. Guardians of the Galaxy Part Two OMG! I cried so much during that movie. It was awesome, sad and just amazing. The characters ahh! I love Guardians of the Galaxy and I can’t wait for them to make a new one!
We set up most of our home; pictures and reviews of Amazon favorites that I have purchased so far is coming next week!
Lucky got his stiches removed from his face on Wednesday and it is healing amazingly well. He still has his collar though and he is so ready to take it off and we are too! His Doctor told us that we need to leave it until at least Saturday! So that is what we will be doing! He is doing well! Back to himself!
Today during my lunch break I baked some Banana Bread! It came out so good! Another reason why I love working from home because I can make lunch, bake and wash dishes all while working. I love it!
I started posting on Tik Tok again!
The weather here is gorgeous! The most perfect weather! I feel lucky to live in such a gorgeous part of the country! Life is great!
Have a great weekend!
See you here next week!

Kim Carberry
Ohh! I would love to live next door to a theater, we miss out on so many movies as our local one is a bus ride away and the films are on at silly times. Hmmf. I am having to wait until the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie is on TV to buy to watch it.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you!
It is both a blessing and a curse to live right next to the theater. LOL