Friday Favorites Link-Up {May 5th 2023}
Good Morning!!
I am so glad today is Friday!!!
This has been a very long week for me.
We got the inspection done for our Condo one less thing we need to worry about.
I am excited for this weekend because Ryan is off today and tomorrow!
Finally!! For the last two days I been MIA but I have been busy fixing my website and making it more user friendly.
I also fixed all my previous posts with SEO which took a day and a half.
I am linking up with Andrea & Erika for Friday Favorites.
- We got the inspection done for the Condo we want to buy.
- Ryan is off today and tomorrow so we get to spend time together. Which has been severely lacking because he has been working non-stop.
- I have an interview scheduled for today which was really random. I got a phone call yesterday and it was an attorney who is wanting to schedule me for an interview for today. So I have that at 2:00 PM. Honestly I don’t remember applying to this law firm.
- Today I had a consult for my Virtual Assistance business and I think it went great! I am hoping to work with her and her many ventures soon, can’t wait!
- As always a shameless plug but if you or you know somebody with a small business and/or blog that needs a Virtual Assistant then have them email me at
- For the next two weeks I have my blog schedule mapped out with blog posts. I like to map out my blog posts on pen and paper two weeks at a time so I know what type of research I need to do, blog graphics, social media posts etc.
- This is a not favorite but I feel like it needs to be said. We are still getting cold weather and rain here in the bay area. I am so #overit! I am ready for sunshine which brings me to my next favorite.
- We can’t wait for the weather to warm up because Lucky is tired of being stuck indoors. We are wanting to take him to the park and trails. Me and Ryan have so many summer plans.
- I found a Panaderia which is a Mexican Bakery with Mexican baked goods! I am so excited to try it! It is close by. I been missing so many Texas foods lately. Ahh!
- We are going to visit Texas later this year. I miss Texas food so much!
- BUT I want to go visit my grandmother and I would like Ryan to meet my grandmother and go to the cemetery where my mom is buried.
- It would mean everything to me if Ryan and I can go later this year.
- Ready for the weekend but not loving this weather that we currently have.
Have a great weekend!
See you back here on Monday!

Helen Story
Well done on the SEO stuff, not always the easiest or most joyous task! Hear ya loud and clear about the weather, here in the S of England it should be glorious Spring but… not so much! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.