Friday Favorites {May 19th, 2023}
Happy Friday!!!
I love Fridays and you will find out why more below!
Today I am linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites
- We close on the condo on Wednesday! Ryan and I are so excited.
- After two months from my last employment, it finally happened I got a job! I will be working remotely which is awesome and I love that aspect of it.
- Ryan and I can’t wait to cook more together as that is one of our favorite ways to spend quality time together.
- We also can’t wait to decorate it our style.
The concert on Tuesday was amazing! It was Death Grips which is a industrial/hip-hop/metal band. My boyfriend is obsessed with them and I thought I would not be interested in them performing live but of course me being the good Girlfriend obliged to go with Ryan. Plus we legit love spending time together!
- Depression hair is real?!? Why do I know it is real because I have it. My hair is a knotted mess so I am finally getting a Haircut later today. I will post Before and After photos on my blogs Instagram! {Also side note sign up for my newsletter below as I will be sending exclusive content to my readers that you won’t find here!}
- Today I filled out all my HR documents for my new job! I am ready for Monday to start! Also was able to download all the apps to my laptop, set up my email, all the major stuff that is necessary to start working.
- Ryan and I filmed our first Youtube video! He needs to edit it then we will post it on Youtube. We want to do more content mainly cooking and Mukbangs over there on Youtube. Once it is all set up I will post a link here.
- Never fear I will still be blogging here regularly despite having a full-time job. Not sure how I will be juggling it all but hoping to formulate a plan that works for me and my blog AND keeps everyone happy including the readers.
- Tomorrow I have my first counseling appointment tomorrow and I am so excited to begin my healing journey. I can’t wait!
- We close on the condo on Wednesday! Ryan and I are so excited.
Want some Summer Inspo?!? Then look no further I have it all here on my blog you can go here and here for both swimsuit inspiration and cover-ups inspiration.
Have a great weekend!!!
I will be back here on Monday blogging about Val’s Top Ten Summer Dress Picks. I can’t wait! I love summer dresses!