Life Update!
It has been a week since I have posted on here; It feels like it has been much longer. I am trying to juggle so much, Lucky, my new job, unboxing. It has been a lot so I have not had a chance to post here. I promise though that I am back. One of my goals for June was to post every day but I have failed on that goal. Ugh! Instead of beating myself over it though I will persevere and try to post everyday. Anyways, last week was chaotic because Lucky developed seemingly overnight an abscess and he needed emergency surgery on Wednesday.
It all started on Monday when he had an open cut on the side of his face next to his eye, we noticed that his eye shut completely and we thought it had something to do with his cherry eyes but it just got worse. By Tuesday he was bleeding and picking on the side of his face and then by Wednesday after work his cut just opened up and he was in a lot of pain so we rushed him to the ER and they decided he needed surgery asap. They had to open it up and drain it then they put a small drainage on his face and and sutures. I been babysitting him because we were scared he would rip it out and that is the reason I have not been posting. Last Wednesday we took him to get his drainage out. He took all his antibiotics and he is on the mend. This Wednesday we are taking him to get his sutures out and then we can finally get his cone off. He hates his cone but it is necessary for him to keep it on because he wants to scratch where the sutures are. He is healing nicely but we were scared for him and thought we were going to lose him. I love my Lucky boy so much.
I am back though!
I will be back tomorrow with regular posts again.
Until then- Valencia

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