Lucky’s Health Update
Happy Friday Junior!
Lucky is sick yet again. Last Month I wrote about Lucky being sick with abscess. As soon as his antibiotics ended he got sick again. This time we took him to the vet instead of the ER because we needed to establish a vet here since we just moved to this area. I got the first appointment for Tuesday Morning. Ryan took him and dropped him off and they evaluated him. They told me that they would have to put him under anesthesia because he was not letting the nurse touch his face. Sure enough he has a ear infection, mouth infection and an eye infection. So they flushed his eyes out, then they took one of his back tooth out because it was infected and needed to be pulled out. They also flushed his ears and then they gave us eye cream, and medicine for his infection along with pain meds. They want him to get better from his infections then they want to clean his teeth but in order to do that they have to put him under anesthesia. They also want to fix his cherry eyes! So two different surgeries but me and Ryan both maxed out our Care Credit Credit Card between his ER visit and the vet visit so that is why I created a Go Fund Me for Lucky so he can get the necessary surgeries. The vet told us if we do not get his eyes fixed he would eventually go blind. He is only almost 4 years old. Very young! We are trying to avoid that.
That is the update on our little angel Lucky. I will leave the link for Lucky’s Go Fund Me below.
Lucky’s Go Fund Me
I will be back tomorrow for Friday Favorites. I have not been posting consistently because I been busy with Lucky and my new job. I am trying to balance it all.
Thank you!