My Monthly Trader Joe’s Haul {April 2023}
Today I have a Trader Joe’s Haul for your Thursday!!!
It has been raining here, we had beautiful weather for a few days then it got cold and rainy. BUT judging by my TJ’s Haul you would think that it is hot here but it is not. So much fresh food I am ready to eat.
Anyone that knows me knows I love Trader Joe’s I try to go every other week to buy so I will be showing my Trader Joe’s Haul.
Today we went to Trader Joe’s. I took pictures of everything I bought. I also have a new recipe that I will be posting here that includes items from Trader Joe’s.
Note that the pictures are not professional in any means of the imagination but we tried with what we have.
Without further ado here is my TJ’s Haul!!
I love there Grapefruit Juice; so delicious and tastes fresh.
Milk-Not a big milk drinker but I do love cereal for the afternoon/evening but also we use milk for eggs and recipes.

Frozen Asparagus– I had no idea this package existed. When I saw these I was like omg yes!! I love asparagus but could never finish the ones I buy from the produce section. So I put the other one back and got these.
*Notation*I love to add a little bit of Salt, Pepper and Some Olive oil. Yummy!!! They make a great side to some Oven Baked Salmon or Chicken and it is healthy for you! So Double win!!
Strawberry Gelato– Found this in the freezer section; my bf picked it and he said it was good. This is a new item.
Hold the Cone Chocolate– I love these because they are a yummy little treat.
Blueberry Bagels-These are perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.
Boba Tea Package– I am going to do a Tik Tok video on how to make these. I will link it here once it is uploaded. I love Boba tea so I am excited that they have these kits at Trader Joe’s!
Jalapenos Chicken Poppers– These are really good, they have cheese and cream cheese but also chicken and they are a bit spicy. So Good!!!
I love these for a Friday night along with some other appetizers for a quick dinner while watching a really great movie on Netflix. Speaking of great movies, we went to go watch the new Super Mario Movie and Ryan will be doing a review on that soon. I will link that here also.
The Cinnamon Gummies- they taste like the candy Hot Tamales. They are my favorite candy at Trader Joe’s!! They never stay in stock so I got two packages.
Mac & Cheese Pizza– This is my boyfriends favorite frozen entrée for a quick lunch or dinner.
Little Pizza’s -Another one of my boyfriends favorite frozen entrée.

Corn and Black Quesadillas– Very Delicious but my boyfriends eats these on nights we are not cooking.
Jasmine Rice– I love these in a Korean Bowl or with Salmon and Asparagus, or with chicken. I pop it in to the microwave straight from the freezer and it is ready and done in 3 minutes. Easy!
Dubliner Kerry-gold Cheese– We are a family that loves cheese. We love cheese from Trader Joe’s. The block of cheese in particular. We use them for all sorts of recipes or even just eat them with some crackers! Trader Joe’s has affordable cheese and it is fresh. I have made many dishes using TJ’s cheese.
Kerry Gold Butter– I always get my butter from there. This brand is great.
Quick story-A long time ago a nutritionist told me that if I want to use butter to use a small amount of the real butter and not the fake kind. The fake kind has many ingredients. I try to buy pure food and not just frozen or fake diet stuff. I try to also not limit myself because I limit myself on certain foods that I love then I start binge eating. Everything in Moderation.
*Disclaimer* I am not a health professional* Please talk to your health professional for what is right for YOU. This is what is right for our family. What might work for me might not work for you or vice versa.
Protein Sticks– I buy these because they are a quick snack on the go and it fills you up. Very delicious but also like to send them with Ryan for work for a snack. They also make a great lunch with some cheese and crackers.
Siracha Sauce-no explanation needed. We use this on everything even eggs!!
Sweet and Spicy Jalapenos– I love these on my avocado toast in the morning or really anything. They are really good pickled jalapenos.
Peri Peri Sauce-My boyfriend uses it for everything; it is a very multipurpose sauce.
Hummus and Pita Chips Snack packs
Roasted Chilis- Goes great on tacos or a casserole.
Avocados-These are good because they are small but also don’t go bad quickly.
Chips– I love the baked potato chips and Ryan loves the Crunchy Curls. We eat this with chips or really anything. We only allow a bag each person once a month that way we are not over indulging but also not depriving ourselves. I feel like that is a healthy balance as we are trying to lose weight.
Pork Buns-We love these with some jasmine rice and some chicken or beef. OR on just air fried. Yum!

Lemon Basil Salad– I had never seen this salad before, it seems to always be sold out. It was delicious but I feel like it was missing a protein.
I did some research and some bloggers are suggesting some rotisserie chicken? So I am going to try that next time with this salad.
The salad tasted very fresh and it was perfect with the amount of cheese and dressing. I loved it.
Caesar Salad with Chicken– This is a very good salad and quick and easy to take for lunch to work.
Breakfast Burritos with Chicken-I never eat these but Ryan loves them for a quick breakfast and semi-healthy.
Chicken Buffalo Wrap – I love there Chicken Buffalo wrap with the dressing. OMG so good!! I always buy at least one for a quick dinner with some chips or a quick lunch.
Asian Vegetable Sir Fry– A recipe coming up next- I made this with a sauce that I got from Trader Joe’s!!! I will share the recipe soon!!!!

That is my Trader Joe’s Haul!!!
What is your favorite Trader Joe Item(s)??
Any TJ’s item I should be buying?
Please let me know in the comments so I can try it!
If you miss yesterday’s post please click here