Ten Things I Miss About Texas
Today I am going to talk about my birth state and the state I was raised in and lived for the first thirty-six years of my life; the one and only Texas. I know Texas has a reputation politically but it is an amazing state and I feel like it does not get the reignition it deserves.
Here are TEN things I miss the most about TEXAS
California has In & Out and Texas has Whataburger. Both fast food restaurants have a very large cult following in there respective states. But as a Texan through and through Whataburger is in my blood. I miss it so much!! There is just something so nostalgic but yummy.
My order you ask:
Double meat with double cheese, jalapenos, no tomatoes in a toasted bun. Whatasize the fries with a sweet tea!
I can’t wait to go later this year to Texas to visit family and that will be the first fast food place I am hitting up unless it is Morning then I will be going to the nearest Taco Laredo Stripe convenience store to get breakfast tacos. Speaking of Breakfast Taco’s that is the next one on my list that I miss terribly.
Breakfast Tacos
Ahh Breakfast Tacos. Apparently here in California nobody knows what Breakfast Tacos are. Ryan who is born and raised in California can’t grasp the idea of Breakfast Tacos. Ha! They have Breakfast Burritos here but those come with Rice. Ew! I have never eaten Rice for breakfast and don’t intend to anytime soon. I just want some breakfast tacos, I sometimes make them here at home but it is not the same. You know what else I am missing is Tex-Mex food. Which is the next one on my list.
Tex-Mex Food 
Apparently California has never heard of Tex-Mex Food. Whenever I ask they think I am crazy I have seen exactly one restaurant that is Tex-Mex but I have not had the chance to go and visit because it is out of the way for me. Soon I will and I will do a full review on that. Anyways I miss pan de campo, carne Guisada, enchiladas, barbacoa sold by the lb, tamales, the list goes on. I miss Tex-Mex Food simple as that.
Buc-ee’s is the largest gas station in the world. There opening more and more stores in the south and I am hoping they expand here very soon in California. They have the cleanest (and the most) truck stop restrooms I have ever seen in my life. So many gas pumps for probably a mile . I might be exaggerating but not really. They have food both made to order and cooked, there homemade fudge is to die for! Any flavor of Fudge you can think of they have it.

If you have ever passed thru Texas you will notice there are HEB’s in every corner it seems like. HEB is a grocery store mainly in Texas and the groceries are very affordable. Every week they also have specials where you buy one thing then you get five things FREE. I miss HEB because everything was affordable, think Aldi’s but bigger. Speaking of which Aldi’s is my next thing I miss about Texas.
Aldi’s technically California has them but it is far away from me it might as well be in another state. Sigh. Aldi’s is very affordable groceries and I wish the bay area had more of that. Everything is so expensive here but if we had an Aldi’s it would make life so much easier. I miss the canned goods, the cheeses, the wine, there frozen stuff. But Especially there Cheeses and chocolate! 😉
The Beaches

The beaches in California are drop dead gorgeous. Please believe me when I say that they are and very unique. It is almost like paradise with the perfect temperature! I love it! BUT you can’t swim or wade in them, the waves are too big but also it is freezing COLD even in the summer. So while it is nice to look at, in Texas you can actually swim in it and you can even take your car all the way to the sand and have a barbeque. When I told Ryan that he thought I was crazy. HA! But my fellow Texans know what I am talking about?!?!
Not to brag or anything but I have been known to job hop to make more money and in Texas I was able to do that. I would leave a job on a Friday with another job lined up on Monday. Jobs galore.! Here in California I been out of work for a month and a week and still can’t find anything.
I have even applied for jobs outside of the legal field but since most of my experience is in the legal field, it is near impossible to find anything in and out the legal field.
(I actually opened up my services as a VA. A later post coming on that! If you need a VA for your small business please email me at thedailyvalencia@gmail.com)
Cheap Housing and Gasoline 
For a small 1 bedroom home with a yard in a decent neighborhood I was paying $800.00 a month! Here for a one bedroom Apartment it is $1800.00-2k a month.
We are paying right now to rent a room until we get our home.
The gasoline I was paying $35.00 a week to fill up our vehicle AND here in California we pay $80.00 bucks a week to fill up our vehicle. It is insane! It does help that we have BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). Public transportation is very big here in California which does help our gas situation.
Sweet Tea 
Whatever some of these fast food places call Sweet Tea this is definitely not it.
I mean technically I CAN make this at home but then I would be drinking it all the time. That is not good for my bladder. I love my sweet tea every once in a while but I NEED it sweet!!
That wraps up my Top Ten Things I miss about Texas.
Hope you enjoyed this post! See you tomorrow! Have a great Monday!
If you want to know more about me you can find that here and here

Caleb Griffin
Caleb Griffin
Molly Harper
Molly Harper
Noelle Gensler
This made me cry. Born and raised in Texas and I have to say, it has the best food in the world. My son and I often talk about a foodie trip there. Fly in on a Friday. Eat our way to Sunday, and then come home. LOL!!! Ruchis, Shipley’s, Whataburger, Fuddruckers, Goode Company, Ninfa’s, Pappasitos…just on and on!!! Way too many to list and certainly not something we could do in a weekend. Would need more like a MONTH off! Thanks for sharing. I may have drooled a LOT reading this.
Omg I had so much fun making this post. I always tell Ryan I wish I had money to fly overnight just to eat.i miss tex-mex, breakfast tacos and whataburger like something fierce!!! And yes to all your food suggestions.shipleys has the best Donuts ever!! Lol!
I love your list of the 10 things you mis about the texas. Feel the true passion in your words. I have never been to US, would love to visit Texas one day!
ooh, girl, I am with you! Awesome post – makes me miss Texas all the more.
Thank you! I drool every-time I think about Whataburger. LOL!
I just moved to Texas from the southeast a little less than a year ago, and while many of the things you mentioned are also things I appreciate (namely Whataburger and HEB!), I miss my previous hometowns/states too for similar reasons! It’s funny how you get used to certain things you love and really miss them when you first move away from them.
Yes it is like a nostalgic feeling. I had no clue how much I would miss Texas when I moved to Cali. It is crazy!