Weekend Recap
This weekend was so much fun! On Saturday, I spent the morning with Ryan’s mom. So, background first: we love Disney, so we belong to a Disney club. It is enjoyable; the meetings are held four times a year, so this month was our second meeting for the year. The meeting is a potluck style with a guest speaker. Every meeting has a different guest speaker. Also, in December, we have a Christmas party instead of a meeting. They have a silent auction at these meetings, and you can buy raffle tickets for prizes. It is enjoyable, and you meet different people who love Disney. I have a whole bunch of photos from that day. So, Ryan and I went to the meeting; I won a pop funko for Ryan in the raffle. I have won so many cool things, including a Disney Lounge fly! I collect Disney Backpacks and purses. We had lunch and listened to a guest speaker talking about his collection of Disney Memorabilia; he was also the host. Every meeting is at a different member’s house to volunteer to be hosts. They also do Disney Activities together. I got home around 3:00 p.m. and started on homework. Now, I will nap before Ryan gets home, and we will make dinner tonight. I can’t wait!!!
Sunday, I studied all day! Law school is basically studying 24/7. I took a quiz I needed to take for the other three classes. I finished my definitions for all four of my classes, and now I need to finish the second portion of the assignment, which is examples of each definition. I also washed a bunch of our clothes. I accomplished a lot this weekend and feel accomplished. Below are a ton of pictures that I took.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!