What’s up Wednesday (Link-Up)
Today is What’s up Wednesday and I am linking up with Momfessionals.
I have so much to talk about! I have not been able to blog almost the whole summer because I have been sick but I am glad I am better and fingers crossed back!
We have been cooking tons of Hello fresh meals.
Last week we made Butter Chicken!!
It was so good and my first time eating it.
This summer was fun despite me being sick with depression and other issues.
We went to the movies several times, (Saw Maxxine and Love Lies Bleeding) went to our local fair. We did not go on a trip but we have something planned for next year. I will talk about it on the next blog post.
My midterms are almost here. By October I have to turn in my mid-term thesis and my mid-term exams for my courses.
I turned in my Definitions, so right now I am working on reading through the book and also need to complete my Briefs for each course. There are about 50 briefs I need to complete.
The holidays. We have tons of fun stuff planned, and I am very excited about the weather cooling down. We generally have amazing weather here but it has been hot this summer.
I love fall, and the holidays.
We are currently watching The 100. I have watched it before but Ryan has not so we are re-watching it. One of my favorite shows ever!! I have not read anything except my law books. I would love to read for enjoyment again but just have not had a chance.
I been doing meditation on Spotify, also been listening to tons of podcast from a few in particular that I like. I love Next Level Soul! They have guests that talk about everything spiritual. While I am not necessarily religion and do not really believe in organized religion but am into spiritual.
I been wearing tons of pj’s because I have been home recovering from a kidney infection. See my previous blog post about my ER visit.
Also been wearing cute outfits like these that are perfect for Spring and Summer.

This weekend I will be studying and starting my mid-term thesis. Ryan is working the whole weekend and I have no plans except to do my studying and homework.
I hope everyone has an amazing week and weekend!!
See you here back on Friday with Friday Favorites!
Good luck with your midterms! You got this!!
Thank you!!